Standard, key indicator, or guidance note?

Below you will see a group of statements all relating to the same standard. Think about each statement, and decide whether it’s the standard text, or an indicator or guidance note that relates to it.


  1. The participation of all vulnerable groups is actively encouraged in the siting and construction of bathing facilities and/or the production and distribution of soap, and/or the use and promotion of suitable alternatives.

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  2. People may need a space where they can bathe in privacy and dignity. If this is not possible at the household level, central facilities may be needed. Where soap is not available or commonly used, alternatives can be provided such as ash, clean sand, soda or various plants suitable for washing and/or scrubbing. Washing clothes is an essential hygiene activity, particularly for children, and cooking and eating utensils also need washing. The numbers, location, design, safety, appropriateness and convenience of facilities should be decided in consultation with the users, particularly women, adolescent girls and any disabled people. The location of facilities in central, accessible and well-lit areas can contribute to ensuring the safety of users.

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  3. Each household has at least two clean water collecting containers of 10–20 litres, plus enough clean water storage containers to ensure there is always water in the household.

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  4. Water collection and storage containers have narrow necks and/or covers, or other safe means of storage, drawing and handling, and are demonstrably used.

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  5. People need vessels to collect water, to store it and to use it for washing, cooking and bathing. These vessels should be clean, hygienic and easy to carry and be appropriate to local needs and habits, in terms of size, shape and design. Children, disabled people, older people and PLWH/A may need smaller or specially designed water carrying containers. The amount of storage capacity required depends on the size of the household and the consistency of water availability e.g. approximately 4 litres per person would be appropriate for situations where there is a constant daily supply. Promotion and monitoring of safe collection, storage and drawing provide an opportunity to discuss water contamination issues with vulnerable groups, especially women and children.

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  6. There is at least 250g of soap available for personal hygiene per person per month.

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  7. People have adequate facilities and supplies to collect, store and use sufficient quantities of water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene,and to ensure that drinking water remains safe until it is consumed.

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  8. Where communal bathing facilities are necessary, there are sufficient bathing cubicles available, with separate cubicles for males and females, and they are used appropriately and equitably.

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  9. Where communal laundry facilities are necessary, there is at least one washing basin per 100 people, and private laundering areas are available for women to wash and dry undergarments and sanitary cloths.

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