- 2007 UNHCR film entitled “Learning is Their Future – Darfuri Refugees in Eastern Chad”
- INEE Minimum Standards Handbook
- INEE Pocket Guide to Inclusive Education
- INEE Guidance Notes on Teaching and Learning
- INEE Guidance Notes on Teacher Compensation in Fragile States, Situations of Displacement and Post-Crisis Recovery, March 2009.
- INEE Toolkit: Disability and Inclusive Education Tools and Resources
- INEE Pocket Guide on Gender
- INEE Minimum Standards Toolkit: Adolescents and Youth
- INEE Good Practice Guide: School Feeding
- INEE Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction
- Bidwell, Kelly et al. Market Assessment Toolkit for Vocational Training Providers and Youth: Linking Vocational Training Programs to Market Opportunities, Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children and School for International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, October 2008.
- Heninger, Lori and McKenna, Megan. “Don’t Forget Us”: The Education and Gender-Based Violence Protection Needs of Adolescent Girls from Darfur in Chad, Women’s Refugee Commission, July 2005.
- Kenyi, Stella. “Sobering Statistics from the Darfuri Refugee Camps”.
- Kirk, Jackie. The Impact of Women Teachers on Girls’ Education - Advocacy Brief, Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok, 2006.
- Kirk, Jackie. Certification counts: Recognizing the learning attainments of displaced and refugee students, UNESCO-IIEP: Paris.
- Rehrl, Annette. “Refugees from Darfur call for improved educational facilities in eastern Chad”, 29 January 2010, UNHCR.
- UNESCO. “Early Childhood Development”, in Guidebook for Planning Education in Emergencies and Reconstruction, Ch. 13, Paris, 2006.
- UNESCO. Guidelines to Develop and Implement School Feeding Programmes that Improve Education, 2004.
- UNICEF. ECD Kit: Handbook for Caregivers.
- UNICEF. “Fact Sheet: Children Associated with Armed Groups and Forces Central Africa”, 2010.
- UNICEF. “UNICEF and Chad sign agreement to demobilize child soldiers”, May 2007.
The INEE Minimum Standards Training and Capacity Building Consultant, Sweta Shah, developed the INEE Education E-learning Module on behalf of the network.
INEE would like to acknowledge and thank the following people who shared their organisations’ photos and materials and reviewed and provided feedback on drafts of this e-learning module: Allison Anderson and Tzvetomira Laub, INEE; Sabina Handschin and Andrea Berther, UNICEF; Eva Ahlen, UNHCR; Anita Anastacio and Helen Stannard, IRC; Nicolas Servas, Refugee Education Trust.